Tommaso Rossi, one of the first winner of “Torno Subito” program from Lazio Region, is now working in the field of vehicular emission
Senza categoria
Pasini is the new Vicepresident SISC 2017-2018
The researcher of CNR-IIA Antonello Pasini was elected new Vicepresident of the Climate Sciences Italian Society for the years 2017-2018.
CNR-IIA prototype installed in Cleto municipality (CS)
Mini plant will treat waste organic fraction in order to produce biogas and compost
Smog and pollution, the opinion of Pirrone
The focus of the Institute Director Nicola Pirrone on smog and atmospheric pollution
Premio internazionale alla carriera a Nicola Pirrone
Il Direttore Nicola Pirrone insignito del premio internazionale ‘Kathryn R. Mahaffey Lifetime Achievement Award’ (LAA) alla carriera.
International career award to Nicola Pirrone
Director Nicola Pirrone awarded with the international prize ‘Kathryn R. Mahaffey Lifetime Achievement Award’ (LAA) to the career.
Il CNR-IIA nelle scuole per parlare di bioenergie
L’IIA è in questi giorni negli istituti superiori marchigiani nell’ambito del progetto ISAAC per parlare di biogas e biometano.
CNR-IIA in the schools talking about bioenergies
The Institute is in the high schools of Marche region within the ISAAC project in order to talk about biogas and biomethane.
ERA-PLANET Joint Transnational Call (STEP-2) is Open
The 2nd step of Joint Transnational Call of ERA-PLANET is now open.
2nd workshop for GEO Data Provider in Florence
CNR-IIA, in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) will organise the second GEO Data Provider Workshop in Florence, Italy, on 20-21 April 2017.