This transnational call for collaborative projects is open to ERA-PLANET beneficiaries. It will use a two-step selection process to choose the most innovative and competitive proposals related to four specific themes: Smart cities and resilient societies, Resource efficiency and Environmental management, Global changes and Environmental treaties, Polar areas and Natural resources.

In addition to addressing one of the thematic areas above, proposals will be required to deal with the following overarching objectives:

  1. Integrate as far as possible the overarching goals of GEOSS and Copernicus for key environmental priority issues in order to support the implementation of European Environmental Policy;
  2. Take-on-board national agendas, improving the alignment of national and European research programmes dealing with EO and data infrastructures;
  3. Link with Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) to foster interoperability and data sharing.
  4. Ensure additional resourcing and integration of existing and future ground based facilities to validate EO data.
  5. Improve societal participation and lay the groundwork to incorporate data from national and EU funded ‘Citizen Observatories’ programmes.
  • Publication date of the Trans-national Call (Step-1): 14 September 2016
  • Closing date for step-1 proposals: after 60 days of Call’s opening (13 November 2016)
  • Feedback to all proposers regarding the outcome of Step-1: end of December 2016
  • Step-2: Start Date of the Trans-national Call (Step-2): 20 January 2017