The “EUROGEOSS Showcase: Applications powered by Europe” project (# 820852-2) has passed the 2nd stage of evaluation and now is under the grant preparation phase.
The project will implement a coordinated and comprehensive EO data exploitation initiative through collaboration amongst the European GEO Members and Participating Organizations in order to accelerate the users’ uptake of open EO data and information for the benefit of Europe. The general objectives are to set-up and promote a sustainable organization dedicated to users’ uptake of European EO resources, building on Copernicus and GEOSS through the development of co-design pilots (i.e. application-oriented products, services or solutions) built on a user-centric approach and delivering economic, social and policy value to European citizens.
CNR-IIA will lead Health Surveillance showcase aimed to demonstrate the Global Observation System for Mercury (GOS4M) Flagship and the Global Observation System for Persistent Organic Pollutants (GOS4POPS) Initiative can facilitate the development of solutions to societal challenges within GEO, in support of the implementation of Stockholm Convention and Minamata Convention on Mercury.
CNR-IIA will also contribute to the myEcosystem Showcase aimed to serve focal user groups such as research, environmental assessment, reporting and management by offering seamless access to consistently scaled environmental information from various sources at benchmark sites. EUROGEOSS Showcase will benefit from the activity of ERA-PLANET funded projects.