GEO-DAB Support for GEOSS Platform Plus
Finanziamento: ESA
Periodo: Giugno 2022 – Dicembre 2024
Budget totale progetto:€ 590,634.00
Budget totale CNR IIA:€ 590,634.00
Responsabile Scientifico: Mattia Santoro

Abstract del progetto

The GEOSS Platform Plus (GPP) project, managed by ESA and funded by the European Commission, in close collaboration with the GEO partners, is aimed at evolving the European GEOSS Platform components to enable access to tailor-made information and actionable knowledge.
The DAB4GPP project’s objectives are aligned to the GPP project, with a specific focus on a key-contribution of underlying middleware services and in particular the availability of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) exposed by the GEO Discovery and Access Broker (GEO-DAB) and possibly other middleware for benefitting enhanced functionality in response to user needs to support the implementation of the GPP project and achieve its objectives as reported above. DAB4GPP will also provide a valuable contribution to the GPP use-cases, coordinating the activities for the “Climate Change impact on pandemic risk” use-case.

CNR-IIA is responsible of all R&D activities concerning the enhancements of GEO DAB and other middleware services to enable knowledge generation in multi-cloud environments, e.g. Virtual Earth Laboratory (VLab).
OBJ. 1: Deliver services and knowledge, including for climate change adaptation and mitigation with a view to science-based decision making;
OBJ. 2: Exploit the potential of the GEOSS infrastructure to the maximum extent;
OBJ. 3: Improve the experience of the users of GEOSS, in particular as regards the accessibility and usage of
services and knowledge;
OBJ. 4: Increase access to and use of heterogeneous data, including in situ measurements and data from
regional and national GEOSS;
OBJ. 5: Reinforce European leadership in GEOSS.

Mattia Santoro
Paolo Mazzetti
Enrico Boldrini
Roberto Roncella
Fabrizio Papeschi
Massimiliano Olivieri
Lena Rettori
Lorenzo Bigagli