A challenging Special Issue focusing on Global Mercury Assessment Sensing Strategies has been launched. You could contribute to this project by submitting your manuscript (both review, minireview and research articles are available for publication) to SENSORS (IF.3.04, MDPI).
Please find more information on the specific website: http://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/gmass
This Special Issue of Sensors aims to publish state-of-the-art scientific results related to advances in monitoring and analytical methods and technologies designed to quantify and characterize mercury contaminations at hot spots, urban and industrial sites as well as at background locations.
Main topics: Optical colorimetric, electrochemical, chemical and bio-sensors; Stand-alone sensor systems or part of an array of sensors; Passive sampling devices for air, water and soil matrixes; Multi-functional active air sampling sensors; New nano-structured materials, eventually functionalized to monitor a targeted mercury species in air, water and soil matrixes; Innovative analytical techniques to characterize mercury compounds in abiotic and biotic samples;Tools for big field sensor data analytics
The submission deadline is the 30th of October 2020.