The GAW site managed by IIA has a new portal in order to ensure a better interaction with the scientific community and policy makers
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Kick-off meeting I-Seed
Il 4 Febbraio si terrà online il kick-off meeting del progetto I-Seed
Monografia: Exploitation of overrun macroalgae as model to lead the circular economy transition and the bioeconomy growth
During the times of a challenging transition from a linear to a circular economy, while many productive processes or systems have to be redesigned to limit losses, waste, and their environmental impacts and, at the same time, to find sustainable and alternative...
ERA-PLANET annual meeting
The annual meeting of ERA-PLANET, the European network for sharing Big Data in the Earth observation sector, will be held online on December 3-4
Notte dei ricercatori NET 2020, le iniziative del CNR-IIA per la divulgazione scientifica
Ha avuto inizio il conto alla rovescia per la notte dei ricercatori NET 2020 organizzata da Scienza Insieme. A partire da lunedì 23 novembre e fino a venerdì 27 novembre il portale dedicato alla diffusione della cultura scientifica si accende di contributi a cura dei...
IANOS Project: IntegrAted SolutioNs for the DecarbOnization and Smartification of Islands
On October 1st the project IANOS officially started and the kick-off meeting of the project was organized virtually on October 7th-8th
Kick-off workshop of the GOS4M GEO Flagship
The kick-off workshop of the GOS4M GEO Flagship will be held online on October 7 and 8
May SARS-CoV-2 Diffusion Be Favored by Alkaline Aerosols and Ammonia Emissions?
The researchers tried to answer in the article published on the International journal “Atmosphere”
Avviso n. 3/2020 di selezione di operatori economici
Avviso n. 3/2020 prot. 0002318 del 15/07/2020
Online conference on remote sensing in Svalbard – 4-5 June
Join the online conference on “Earth Observation (EO), Remote Sensing (RS) and Geoinformation (GI) applications in Svalbard” on June 4-5