A Program Agreement of Assistance for the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea -Concerning Research, Environmental Innovation, Pollution Prevention, and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions at National, European, and International Levels

Finanziamento: Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea – Department for Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Energy (IMELS-DGSEC)
Periodo: March 2012 – March 2015
Budget totale progetto:---
Budget totale CNR IIA:---
Responsabile Scientifico: Daniela Pasella
Abstract del progetto
In the framework of the Agreement between the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and the National Research Council, the IIA assists the Ministry in coordinating Italian participation in EU activities and programs and in conducting international negotiations (UNEP and UNECE).

The IIA – Research Group represents IMELS at the EU and in International meetings, and supports IMELS by:
• Providing technical-scientific assistance, in the definition of negotiating proposals on international, regional and EU levels, and by participating in meetings on environmental issues;
• Providing technical assistance for the strategic planning of activities in Division IV (DGSEC –IMELS);
• Defining national decrees on F-gas emissions, CCS, PRTR, fuel quality, and on the promoting the use of energy from renewable sources;
• Implementing the Environmental Technology Action Plan (ETAP);
• Implementing European regulations regarding CO2 cars, CO2 light commercial vehicles, metallic Hg and POPs;
• Conducting activities related to International Environmental Programmes, Conventions and Agreements, including:
o Within UNEP: the Governing Council, Sustainable Development Committee, Intergovernmental negotiating committee on HG (INC), Stockholm (POP), and Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM);
o Within UNECE: the CLRTAP, Aarhus, and related Protocols.
• Providing technical-scientific assistance, in the definition of negotiating proposals on international, regional and EU levels, and by participating in meetings on environmental issues;
• Providing technical assistance for the strategic planning of activities in Division IV (DGSEC –IMELS);
• Defining national decrees on F-gas emissions, CCS, PRTR, fuel quality, and on the promoting the use of energy from renewable sources;
• Implementing the Environmental Technology Action Plan (ETAP);
• Implementing European regulations regarding CO2 cars, CO2 light commercial vehicles, metallic Hg and POPs;
• Conducting activities related to International Environmental Programmes, Conventions and Agreements, including:
o Within UNEP: the Governing Council, Sustainable Development Committee, Intergovernmental negotiating committee on HG (INC), Stockholm (POP), and Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM);
o Within UNECE: the CLRTAP, Aarhus, and related Protocols.
The objective of this agreement is to provide technical and scientific assistance in implementing activities associated with research, environmental innovation, pollution prevention, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on National, European and International levels.
• Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare
• Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare