CAP Holding S.p.A. Finanziato da: CAP Holding S.p.A. Periodo: 2016-2017 Introduzione L’impianto di depurazione di reflui fognari di CAP Holding (Bresso/Niguarda, Milano) si basa sulla tecnologia dei fanghi attivi ed è dotato di impianti di digestione anaerobica...
Convenzione amianto
Abstract del progetto
COSTAction MP1206
COSTAction MP1206 Electrospun Nano-fibres for bio inspired composite materials and innovative industrial applications Funded by: EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020 Period: June 2013 - May 2017 Official website Introduction Electrospun nanofibres are...
Abstract del progetto
ISAAC Increasing Social Awarness and ACceptance of biogas and biomethane Funded by: Horizon 2020 Period: January 2016 - June 2018 Official Website Introduction The specific challenge of the “Call for competitive low-carbon energy” under the Topic “Market...
SeaDataNet II
SeaDataNet Paneuropean Infrastructure for Ocean and Marine Data Management Funded by: European Commissione - 7th Framework Programme Period: October 2011- October 2015 Official Website Introduction Access to marine data is of vital importance for marine...
Abstract del progetto
Know Seas
KNOW SEAS Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe‟s Seas Funded by: 7th Framework Programme Periodo: April 2009 - June 2013 Official Website Introduction The first decade of the Millennium has been a time of rapid development of...
EUROCAT European Catchments Catchement Changes and their Impact on the Coast Funded by: European Commission, DG Research - 5th Framework Programme (Contr. No. EVK1-CT-2000-00044) Period: 2000-2004 You can find all the informations about the project...
Studio della Ricaduta al Suolo delle Diossine Emesse dal Camino di Agglomerazione Committente: ILVA S.p.A. Periodo: Aprile 2009 Introduzione La soc. ILVA nello stabilimento di Taranto produce acciaio mediante un ciclo di lavorazione completo a caldo. L’impianto di...