Abstract del progetto
Position Paper on Mercury
Abstract del progetto
AME ATMOSPHERIC MERCURY IN EUROPE Funded by: European Commission-DG Environment (Contract #99/134617) Reporting Period: 1 January 1998 – 30 June 2000 The major goal is to review the current knowledge on different processes affecting the dynamics of...
Abstract del progetto
MEDEX Measurement and modeling the mercury depletion events in the arctic at the Ny-Alesund Site (MEDEX) Funded by: US- Environmental Protection Agency - Washington D.C., USA Period: 2003-2004 Introduction The toxicity of mercury and the fragility of...
The GMOS showcase GEO - Task HE-02-C1 "Global Mercury Observation System" Official Website GEOSS at work for Science &Technology: the GMOS showcase Introduction Improved information on mercury emissions have contributed to further progress the...