Il progetto mira ad aumentare la consapevolezza del link tra cambiamento climatico, salute ed ecosistemi.
Abstract del progetto
NEWLIFE4DRYLANDS Remote sensing oriented nature based solutions towards a NEW LIFE FOR DRYLANDS Finanziato da: LIFE2020Periodo: Gennaio 2020 - Giugno 2024Introduzione NewLife4Drylands mira a fornire un quadro e un protocollo per identificare soluzioni sostenibili che...
Abstract del progetto
Abstract del progetto
Abstract del progetto
Abstract del progetto
CRASI Characterization of Radiative-chemical processes at the Air/Snow Interface Finanziato da: MIUR-PNRA Periodo: Dicembre 2020 - Novembre 2022 Introduction The air-snow interface is a critical layer that controls several processes and for this reason a...
ODIP Ocean Data Interoperability Platform Funded by: 1st phase: contract 312492 within EU FP7. Period: October 2012 - September 2015 2nd phase: contract 654310 within EU HORIZON 2020. Period: April 2015 - March 2018 The ODIP project is a Coordination...
SeaDataNet II
SeaDataNet Paneuropean Infrastructure for Ocean and Marine Data Management Funded by: European Commissione - 7th Framework Programme Period: October 2011- October 2015 Official Website Introduction Access to marine data is of vital importance for marine...